FREE 5-Day Challenge – Starting Monday, 14th August

Revive & Thrive: 
5-Day Healthy Eating Reboot

Realistic, Achievable & Manageable Tips to Ignite Your Inner Glow Ready for Spring!

Take Back Control, Transform Your Health: Join the FREE 5-Day Challenge!

Don't let winter keep holding you back. It's time to regain control of your health and establish habits that stick. Say goodbye to confusion,  overwhelm & lack of motivation!

In this exciting 5-day reboot, I'll share my ultimate secrets for kick-starting healthy eating habits that will truly transform your life. Together, we'll focus on three simple daily habits that guarantee immediate wins (and trust me, they're easier than you think!).

But that's not all! Throughout the week, we'll address the specific challenges you've shared with me, helping you overcome the different obstacles so you can achieve a sustainable, nourishing lifestyle (and it's not just about the food).

Join me on this empowering journey, and get ready to reap the rewards from just 5 days.


Join my FREE Challenge: Revive & Thrive: 5-Day Healthy Eating Reboot, starting Monday, 14th August

Just enter your details and you'll be signed up ready to go

Day 1:
Finding your starting point. Where should you begin?

Ever wondered where to begin on your journey to a healthier you? On day 1 of this life-changing challenge, I'll share my non-negotiable daily habits that hold the key to transforming your health and wellbeing. And guess what? One of these game-changers revolves around the first meal of the day! 😉

Disclaimer: I'll be honest, I'm not perfect. But setting intentions is better than none at all. Together, we'll navigate the ups and downs of creating healthy habits that fit into our busy lives.

Day 2:
How to do it when you're already time poor & exhausted

Feeling overwhelmed by your busy schedule and constant exhaustion? It's time to tackle the time-poor challenge head-on. I understand that you often feel like there's simply not enough time (or energy) to prioritise your health. That's why I'm here to equip you with invaluable tips to make this journey more achievable than ever!

Day 3:
The secret to radically improving your health (that no one is talking about)

Prepare for a game-changing revelation! On Day 3 of our journey, I'll unveil a secret that has proven to be one of the most crucial elements for achieving success with healthy habits. And trust me, it's not what you would typically expect! 😉 Get ready to be pleasantly surprised and equipped with a powerful tool that will transform your path to a healthier lifestyle. 😉

Day 4:
Making healthy eating affordable & attainable

Many parents claim that healthy eating comes with a big price tag, but I'm here to show you how to minimise those costs while still enjoying nutritious meals. I'll share invaluable tips on reducing your food expenses while nourishing your family. In fact, one of the incredible mums I've worked with managed to save $100 a week using the very steps I'll be sharing with you. Get ready to unlock the secrets of eating well without breaking the bank which is absolutely vital in this current environment. 

Day 5:
Satisfying snacking & sticking to the good habits 

Get ready to lift your snacking game on Day 5! I'll reveal the key factors to look for in a snack that will keep you feeling satisfied and energised. We'll also dive into essential tips for making these healthy habits stick for the long haul. It's all about reaping those long-term benefits while maintaining balance. 

Ready to dive in? Let's make this happen.

For just 5 days, we'll focus on you and kick-start a few small, healthy habits that will bring instant wins. But that's not all – you'll also gain valuable knowledge about what it truly takes to make lasting changes. By consistently practicing these habits over time, you'll feel more in control, experience fewer mood swings, save time and money, and be proud of the better choices you're making. You can do this! 

Now, let's be real – 5 days won't completely change your life. But you have to start somewhere, and what better time than now, with spring right around the corner? It's an exciting opportunity to join a group of supportive women who will encourage and cheer each other on. Are you ready to take the first step? Let's do this together!

"This challenge was a real turning point for me. I love the idea that food is fuelling my body (can't believe I haven't thought of it that way before) and I'm looking forward to making changes for me. I am aiming for a better version of me. "


"I kinda love that you're not a nutritionist. I'm super stoked to learn from someone (you) who has gone ahead of me, learned loads and has now circled back to pick me up and show me the way. Thank you!"


"I love how passionate and motivating you are Wick! It's wonderfully contagious. Thanks for another great video packed with awesome tips. 🙏 Thank you for keeping it simple and real. "


"Thank you so much Wick, these 5 days have been amazing and so full of knowledge and information. I have finally found something that isn't a diet, but a way of living my best life. Here's to a new me! "


Join my FREE Challenge: Revive & Thrive: 5-Day Healthy Eating Reboot, starting Monday, 14th August

Just enter your details and you'll be signed up ready to go

Just in case you don't know me...

My name is Wick Nixon from Wicked Wellbeing and I'm all about empowering healthy living for busy women, just like you.

I'm a mother of three, a super passionate foodie, a health coach, a double award winning author of two healthy kids lunchbox cookbooks and the founder of my online health and wellbeing membership, the Wicked Healthy Tribe.

Ready to achieve and sustain a healthier lifestyle? Let's make it happen!


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